Guest binary lecture «Game, drawing, fairy tale at morning meetings in primary school» was held

On the 6th of July, guest binary lecture on the subject «Game, drawing, fairy tale at morning meetings in primary school» took place.

The event was organized in cooperation with the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education of Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University named after Oleksandr Dovzhenko.

The lecture was led by prof. Halyna Handzilevska, PhD. (the National University of Ostroh Academy) and Mgr. PhDr. Eva Škorvagová, PhD (the University of Žilina).

«We continue to provide psychological support for future teachers. Principles of using psychodramatic and Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in morning meetings at school. Thanks to Tetiana Zenchenko from Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University for the invitation, and to Eva Shkorvagova the University of Žilina (Žiline Katedra pedagogických studiés FHV UNIZA) for supporting the implementation of ideas within the project «Resilience approach in cross-cultural training of future teachers in Ukraine and V4 countries" the Visegrad Fund»,

- said Halyna Handzilevska.